Cats are curious animals and do very interesting things.As a cat owner if you observe your beloved cat sitting positions sometimes you feel odd.
If your cat is happy and relaxed their body also seems to be relaxed. And if your cat is worried, they will sit in a worry bent position. Cats express their emotions through their actions or body language. That’s why understanding their body language is very important.
There is no doubt that cats can communicate through their sitting position. You will know about various sitting positions and what your cat wants to communicate by this sitting position in this guide. Let’s go and know further about Cat Sitting Positions.
Top Cat Sitting Positions and What They Mean?
Generally each sitting position of cats shows different emotions.So,let’s look at sitting position and what they mean. Most common position:
1.Sphinx Sitting Position
Sphinx position is the most common sitting position.In this position a cat sits on all four legs.Their front paws stretch in front and their body along with the ground.
When your cat is sitting and you feel its body is relaxed, their tail is loose, their mouth closed, and their ears and eyes are in normal position, it means they are happy. This happy and relaxed sitting position.
2.Alert Sitting Position
When cats sit back with their front legs straight,this is called alert position.Often the tail moves back and forth and the ears are in a straight position. In this condition the cat is happy and paying attention to its surroundings.
3.Couched Sitting Position
Cats that make this position generally on the defensive. My cat mostly make this position after fighting with another cat.
By crouching your cat protects its weak tummy. Your feline’s pupils can expand with their head low. Their tail can also tuck around the cat’s body.In this position cats want to say, “Stay away from me”.
A crouching cat is a fearful act and it tries to make itself as small as possible.Its ears can be flattened and try to hide.
4.Hunched Position
Just like the crouched position the hunched position is also a defensive position.This position can indicate that your cat is injured or ill.If your cat starts crouching more unusually and you are worried about it,consult your vet.
5.Sitting Like A Human
When you notice your cat is sitting like a human you feel amazed and happy to see that your cat is copying you.Most of the pet owners think that cats do this because they spend most of their time among humans rather than other cats.
Cats are curious creatures that mean they observe their surroundings.Your cat is living among your family and copy you in different things like she sleeps when you sleep , she snacks when you snack and even sits as you sit,because she trusts your choices.
6.The dangle
Have you ever noticed when your feline sits on a high area and its limbs hanging from the side.They can sit in this position on the sofa and on the kitchen shelf etc.And you think about what she is doing and you get frightened that your cat may fall down and get injured.
Firstlly, cats know how to take care of themself.Cats like to sit in this position.They do this only when they are comfortable around you.They trust you that you will not say to them in this regards.
7.The “You can’t Find me” Sitting Position
Sometimes cats have odd sitting arrangements,such as you may not catch them at all.How many times you catch them sitting on high kitchen cabinets or under the bed.
Cats love humans. But, sometimes they want to live alone because they are stressed out, anxious, or overloaded.
When you find your cat sitting somewhere ,where you can not reach easily, observe her behavior. Her flattered ears, wide open eyes and whiskers pointing forward generally mean she is not feeling well.
8.The Cinnamon Roll
The cinnamon roll means that your feine tries to keep itself warm and maybe tries to sleep. The other meaning of this position is that she is trying to protect her organs from carnivores,other cats and unknown people around its surroundings.
They wrap the entire lower portion of the body around themself.They keep their head down and keep awake and upright, observing the surroundings around them.
Sometimes cats do this when they are getting ready to sleep but they can not stop looking at you or the window or food bowl that are ready to refill.
9.The side sleeper
When your cat is lying on the floor on their side,it means they feel relaxed and happy.This position is most common when the cats are in a nap or while sleeping.If your cat is making this position around you it’s men she feels relaxed and comfortable in your presence.
10.The Hunchback
Your cat might be sitting with her back hunched,her tail wrapped under her body,and eyes wide open.
When you notice your cat sitting in such a position it means she is feeling stressed out and scared of something.She might have been attacked by another cat and seen something else that she doesn’t want to see.
To make sure that you remove that thing from the way which is creating problems for your feline. Don’t approach her before she cools down. Smother her with love once she stops shivering.
There is no doubt that cats can communicate through their sitting position. If your cat is happy and relaxed their body also seems to be relaxed. And if your cat is worried, they will sit in a worry bent position. Cats express their emotions through their actions or body language. That’s why understanding their body language is very important.
FAQs About Cat Sitting Positions
What Is the sitting position of a cat? Does it have meaning?
Cats can communicate through their sitting position. They express their emotions through their actions.
What’s the meaning of the Alert Sitting Position?
When cats sit back with their front legs straight, this is called alert position. In this condition the cat is happy and paying attention to its surroundings.
Can a cat sit like a human?
Yes, cats can sit like a human, it’s also a common sitting position. Cats do this because they spend most of their time among humans rather than other cats.
What does the side sleeper position mean?
When your cat is lying on the floor on their side, it means they feel relaxed and happy. This position is most common when the cats are in a nap or while sleeping.